петак, 17. фебруар 2017.

Knjiga (engleski jezik): Dr. Henry Morris - The Long War Against God (2000)

Dr. Henry Morris - The long war against God, The history and impact of the creation / evolution conflict
Dr Henri Moris - Dug rat protiv Boga, istorija i posledice sukoba između kreacionizma i evolucionizma

Iz predgovora:

To read this book carefully is to receive a uniquely significant, in-depth perspective on the origin and operation of our world.
Many layers of error have been built on the faulty foundation of evolutionism. Humanism is the natural result. If God is not central in all our thinking, then man must be. Atheism is humanism’s twin brother, and consistent evolutionists cannot logically believe in the personal God of the Bible, the God who is the Creator of all life. Abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia are logical behaviors for those who have so easily disposed of the image of God in the eternal soul of man.

Knjiga je na engleskom jeziku, možete je preuzeti kao ePub, mobi ili PDF.

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