среда, 31. август 2022.

"Uninformed Consent" documentary (Eng)

Official public release of Matador Films new "Uninformed Consent" documentary, presented by Librti.com and Vaccine Choice Canada, written & directed by Todd Harris.

An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who's controlling it, how it's being used to inject an untested new technology into almost every person on the planet, and to strip us of our human rights while weaving in the impact of mandates in a deeply powerful story of one man's tragic loss.

Hear the truth from doctors and scientists not afraid to stand up against Big Pharma and the elite class who profit from mandates.

Official web pages of the documentary:

понедељак, 29. август 2022.

Радивоје Пешић: Нови светски поредак и словенске институције (Srb, Eng)

Предавање одржано у Тршићу 6. априла 1992. године.

Поглавље из књигa „Завера порицања“ и „Оптужујем ћутањем“ које нећу објавити због масонских симбола и пропаганде.
Требало је да се догоди муњевито. Са савршеном пре-
цизношћу, без предомишљања. Било је много замора да би се
допустило одлагање. Јер, време је одмицало и остављало за
собом само зрачак наде који је био довољан да распламса илу-
зије уморних и лакомих.

Растајући се од пријатеља Виктор Шкловски је овако за-
писао свој вапај за изгубљеним временом: "Ево прошло је се-
дамдесет година, експеримент није изведен. И није разјашњено
је ли требало изводити овај експеримент." Било је то у време
кад је настајала чувена колекција аутомобила Леонида Леоно-
вича Брежњева. После овога Шкловски је вероватно још раз-
мишљао о смислу и бесмислу експеримента. Али време рас-
танка се ближило и та мудра глава није дочекала да види како
један експеримент замењује други. Сада је већ сасвим извесно
да је први био неопходан да би био изведен други.

Шта се у ствари догодило? – Русија је седамнаесте године
убила свог цара. После седамдесет година истраживачи се
упињу да открију је ли то заиста била Русија. Русија је седам-
наесте године започела разарање својих храмова и седамдесет
година се молила пред иконама својих џелата који су још 1851.
и 1852. одбацили сваку могућност сопственог организовања
Словена у модерну државу. У међувремену, те словенске др-

среда, 17. август 2022.

Patrick M. Wood - Technocracy rising [PDF, Eng]


As of 2011, no organization in the world was able to house even one Zettabyte of data. However, by fall of 2013, the National Security Agency (NSA) finished its new $1.5 billion spy center in Utah that alone has a reported capacity of 5 Zettabytes or almost twice the size of all digital data in the world. Now you can see why the NSA vacuums up all the data in sight: Because it can.
Does the government have stockholders? Absolutely! Global corporations and banks, NGOs and globalist foundations. Furthermore, they expect a return on their investments, namely, privatized “sweetheart” deals that lock out competitors. In many cases, this gives the “private” party a monopoly over the services offered. Citizens are only seen as consumers. Prior to the 1993 Clinton/Gore initiative, the goal of government was to serve the people. Now the goal is not to serve the people but rather to serve its stockholders.
Agenda 21 is Technocracy’s plan for the 21 st century. The agent of implementation is Sustainable Development. The driver is the United Nations. The perpetrators are members of the Trilateral Commission and their globalist cronies. The victims are all the peoples of the world.
It is not coincidental that the principal author of the Earth Charter was Stephen C. Rockefeller, the son of the former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and nephew of David Rockefeller. Stephen Rockefeller has been a key player in the Rockefeller family by serving as a trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and as a director of the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Stephen has never been a member of the Trilateral Commission, but he was a founder of the interfaith movement and has been active for decades to infuse globalization into religion all over the world.
On September 11, 1993, Clinton finalized the National Performance Review (NPR) by
signing Executive Order 12862. In 1998, the truer colors of NPR were revealed
when it was renamed the National Partnership for Reinventing Government.
Governance is a process of regulatory management and does not refer to representative government, as it is commonly understood. The regulators are unelected “experts” who answer to no one, as is the case with the European Union, for instance.
A 2007 Financial Times/Harris poll revealed that less than 20 percent of people in six industrialized countries (including the U.S.) believe that globalization is good for their country while over 50 percent are outrightnegative towards it.
The Alliance for Redesigning Government (ARG) is a non-profit (NGO) that was founded to create a learning network for change agents in government at all levels for the express purpose of reinventing government. IBM partnered with the ARG to provide the technology for a comprehensive distance-learning system that would distribute volumes of information to every corner of the nation. Financial supporters at the top of the list included Anderson Consulting, AT&T, General Electric, Goldman Sachs and Co., IBM, NYNEX, and Xerox.
Philanthropic donations poured in from ARCO Foundation, Aspen Institute, Carnegie Corporation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Ford Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others.