недеља, 29. децембар 2019.

[YouTube] Edward Snowden: How Your Government Spies on You

All of these different ways happen as a result of a single problem and that problem is an inequality of available information: they can see everything about you, they can see everything about what your device is doing and they can do whatever they want with your device. You on the other hand owns the device well rather you paid for the device but increasingly these corporations own it, increasingly these governments own it and increasingly we are living in a world where we do all the work, we pay all the taxes, we pay all the costs but we own less and less and nobody understands this better than the youngest generation.

понедељак, 23. децембар 2019.

[PDF, Eng] Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - The deliberate dumbing down of America

Jedini razlog da uvrstim knjigu na blog je uverenje da proces školskog zaglupljivanja nije američka ekskluziva, već se dešava planirano širom sveta.
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C.S. LEWIS WROTE THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH (COPYRIGHT BY CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS: Macmillan Company: New York, 1946). Lewis’s uncanny ability to predict accurately how society would be manipulated into acceptance of totalitarian control was displayed in the following excerpt taken from a conversation Lewis’s fictitious Lord Feverstone had with a young man named Mark:
[Feverstone] “Man has got to take charge of Man. That means, remember, that some men have got to take charge of the rest—which is another reason for cashing in on it as soon as one can. You and I want to be the people who do the taking charge, not the ones who are taken charge of. Quite.” “What sort of thing have you in mind?” “Quite simple and obvious things, at first—sterilization of the unfit, liquidation of backward races (we don’t want any dead weights), selective breeding. Then real education, including pre-natal education. By real education I mean one that has no ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ nonsense. A real education makes the patient what it wants infallibly: whatever he or his parents try to do about it. Of course, it’ll have to be mainly psychological at first. But we’ll get on to biochemical conditioning in the end and direct manipulation of the brain....”
“But this is stupendous, Feverstone.”
“It’s the real thing at last. A new type of man: and it’s people like you who’ve got to begin to make him.”
“That’s my trouble. Don’t think it’s false modesty, but I haven’t yet seen how I can contribute.”
“No, but we have. You are what we need: a trained sociologist with a radically realistic outlook, not afraid of responsibility. Also, a sociologist who can write.”
“You don’t mean you want me to write up all this?”
“No. We want you to write it down—to camouflage it. Only for the present, of course.
Once the thing gets going we shan’t have to bother about the great heart of the British public. We’ll make the great heart what we want it to be.” (p. 42)
Another area of potential development in computer applications is the attitude changing machine. Dr. Bertram Raven in the Psychology Department at the University of California at Los Angeles is in the process of building a computer-based device for changing attitudes. This device will work on the principle that students’ attitudes can be changed effectively by using the Socratic method of asking an appropriate series of leading questions designed to right the balance between appropriate attitudes, and those deemed less acceptable.

недеља, 22. децембар 2019.

[YouTube] Kevin Galalae - A Message to World Leaders: Stop the Depopulation Genocide

This message is for the Putin's and Obama's of this world; for the heads of state and government of every nation that is a UN member state and therefore a participant willing or otherwise in a covert depopulation and course globalization matrix of global control instituted in 1945 and commonly known as the new world order.
Cease and desist the depopulation genocide, shut down all covert chemical and biological methods of mass and involuntary sterilization.
Stop subverting the family structure through underhanded psychosocial and economic means and all programs that undermine our immune systems to promote morbidity and mortality for the sake of completing the demographic transition and of limiting our life expectancy.

среда, 18. децембар 2019.

[PDF, Video] A. Ralph Epperson - The New World Order (1994) Part 4

Predavanje vezano za knjigu "The New World Order" iz 1990. Četvrti deo.
Knjiu u PDF formatu, engleski jezik, možete preuzeti putem ove veze:
A SOVEREIGN lives by God given inalienable right,
a CITIZEN lives by government granted privilege.
Privileges can be taken away by the one granting the privilege,
right cannot be taken away except by the Creator, God of the Bible.

петак, 13. децембар 2019.

четвртак, 12. децембар 2019.

[PDF, Video] A. Ralph Epperson - The New World Order (1994) Part 2

Predavanje vezano za knjigu "The New World Order" iz 1990. Drugi deo.
Knjiu u PDF formatu, engleski jezik, možete preuzeti putem ove veze:
You can use the two phrases, the "New World Order" and the "New Age", interchangeably because the New Age is the New World Order.

понедељак, 2. децембар 2019.

[Documentary] Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers (2018) UNCRAPPED


When you make documentary about someone,  you just don't fill it with your personal crap.  Therefore I had to uncrap this documentary from (mostly new age) crap. Original duration: 01:37:00, new duration: 43:45.

You can view/download uncrapped version (MP4, 1080p, 1.54GB) from Yandex:
or complete version as TORRENT: https://yts.lt/movie/bob-lazar-area-51-flying-saucers-2018

среда, 27. новембар 2019.

[PDF (Eng)] Joan Veon - United Nations Global Straitjacket (1999)


Ako želite knjigu u papirnom izdanju:
Containment means that your knowledge and understanding is limited and/or your energies are taken off of the real agenda— world government. Yes, I am a pro-lifer, but if you get rid of the U.N., you can get rid of abortion, family planning, and the homosexual agenda, because this is part of their sustainable development agenda to reduce the population. By focusing on the pro-life agenda, many people who could be instrumental in getting rid of world government spend their energies, emotions, and money fighting something that is not the real problem. They are caught up in an activity that consumes their minds and thoughts so that they do not see the real problem!
Mora se odati priznanje Joan Veon jer je pročitala desetine hiljada strana globalističkih budalaština da bi sažela informacije u jednu knjigu.
Sa druge strane, najzaslužnija za nametanje globalizma u svetu su SAD tako da je knjiga kojom Joan Veon "brani" USA od globalizma čist paradoks.

- banka pod imenom "Svetska banka" (World Bank) NE POSTOJI. Nije mi jasno zašto autorka stalno upotrebljava taj naziv za banku koja se zove "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development".
- citati nisu preneti redom kojim se javljaju u knjizi.

Citati iz kjnige:
Every single country in the world has a central bank which controls their monetary system. Therefore, if a country is not doing the will of the international bankers— the owners of these private corporations, all they have to do is sell that country's currency at the same time in order to bring the renegade country to its knees!!! The real reason for the problems in Asia, particularly with Malaysia, Thailand, and Korea is that they wanted to keep their own economic sovereignty. The bank which oversees all of the world's central banks is the Bank for International Settlements. According to Bill Clinton’s mentor, Dr. Carroll Quigley, who wrote Tragedy and Hope:
The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole... . The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds’ central banks which were themselves private corporations.
On April 20, 1970, an article appeared in the Anaheim Bulletin entitled "Executive J—The United Nations is given full diplomatic recognition of being a sovereign world government." The article stated: "Historians of the future may point to March 19, 1970, as the day when the United States of America became an arm of a One World government. It happened quietly, unnoticed by the press, in a Senate chamber only partly filled, as a few Senators waited their turns.... (The floor speaker stated): "The Senate will proceed to vote on Executive J, first session, 91st Congress, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations." At the end of the count, the vole showed 78 yeas and zero negatives, with 22 senators absent. So it was that the United Nations would no longer be honored as a mere "International Organization." It now has the status of full diplomatic recognition as a sovereign government."
It must be remembered that the Constitution states our rights (freedom of speech, etc.) come from God and cannot be altered, amended, or taken away. Under the United Nations Charter, our rights come from government and can be taken away based on our behavior, actions, and speech.
The infrastructure of world government is very far advanced. What is missing are the "teeth." You see, until the "teeth" are put in place, you and I will be able to live normally with a sense of freedom and protection of our freedoms. Once the teeth are in place, our lives will change because world government will then be in a position to overpower anyone who disagrees with the agenda. Our freedoms will change, the ability to buy and sell will change (instead of dollars, we may use electronic money), and the availability of food, water, energy, clothing, tools, equipment, etc., will also change as it will be controlled (sustainable development—see chapter four). We will probably go into a military police state to enforce not only all of the new rules and regulations, but to protect the resources of the planet.
Interestingly enough, the heinous idea of using the environment as a mechanism for reducing the world population as a substitute for war came from The Report from Iron Mountain, which hinted that perhaps the environmental pollution model could “eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species" (67). The report lamented that war was a mechanism of selective population control and that a substitute was needed.
They wrote that the intermediate step for total control of con­ception would be with a variant of the ubiquitous "pill," via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, that could be offset by a controlled "antidote" already under development (73)
In summary, the head of the Indian delegation, Mr. Dilip Lahiri, said this about why his country voted no to the ICC. Perhaps it really sums up the Frankenstein monster that has been birthed.
"We have always had in mind a Court that would deal with truly exceptional situations, where the State machinery had collapsed or where the Judicial system was either so flawed, inadequate, or nonexistent that justice had to be meted out through an International Court, because redress was not available within the country. If this is our common understanding, and we have always been told that it is, it must follow that the Statute should have been drafted so that It was clear that the ICC was being established to deal with truly exceptional situations. That, however, has not happened. Instead of legislating for the exception, the scope of the Statute has been broadened so much that it could be misused for political purposes or through misplaced zeal, to address situations and cases for which the ICC was not intended, and where, as a matter of principles, it should not intrude. What the zealots have achieved, therefore, is a contradiction in terms: a Court framed with Armageddon in mind is set in Utopia (emphasis added).
Knjigu možete preuzeti putem ove veze: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qKO6bX0t4MfbOWa3pXjA_v2_Y_eOwPBf

недеља, 27. октобар 2019.

[PDF (Eng)] Gary Allen - The Rockefeller File (1976)

Nekoliko citata iz knjige:
William Rockefeller, the father of John D., first became involved in the petroleum business when he peddled the oily stuff at $2.5 a pint as a cure for warts, snake bite, cancer and impotency. The wandering medicine man called himself "Doctor", even though he couldn't have entered medical school with a search warrant. In addition to being a quack, "Doc" Bill was a bigamist, horse thief and child molester. The good "Doctor" avoided prosecution in New York for raping a 15-year old girl by hightailing it for Cleveland. Once there, he deserted his wife and six children to marry a 20-year old. (At least when Nelson abandoned his wife of 31 years to marry Happy Fitler Murphy, he did not abandon his children. She abandoned hers.)
"The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee... I pay more for that ability than for any under the sun.", the Standard Oil founder once admitted.
Consider: In 1956,Kissinger was an obscure German immigrant who was a mere professor at Harvard University. In less than twenty years, he has become so powerful that he survives the dismissal of his ostensible boss, and apparently tells presidents, prime ministers, and other potentates what to say and do. What is the source of his remarkable authority?
If you check The Readers Guide to Periodical Literature at your local library, you will find but a single listing on the CFR in over 50 years. And that in the relatively obscure Atlantic Monthly. A check of newspaper files shows that only two feature articles on this incredibly powerful organization have appeared, one in the Christian Science Monitor and one in the New York Times. As we said before, such anonymity can hardly be accidental.
Coinciding with the UN-sponsored conferences in Nairobi and Rome, the United Nations sponsored the World Population Conference at Bucharest, Romania in August 1974. Headlining the program was none other than John D. Rockefeller III, who proclaimed: "I come to Bucharest with an urgent call for a deep and probing reappraisal of all that has been done in the population field. I have changed my mind and now believe family planning alone is not adequate."
An Associated Press report explained: - Rockefeller... has for years been one of the world's leading advocates of family planning. He donated millions of dollars toward population research and is founder and chairman of the Population Council, a private US organization funded largely by [millions of dollars] the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations."
One of the most famous slogans of this Rockefeller front was "One world or none". 
Certainly the most visible pathway toward World Government is the organization that was created in 1945 by the Rockefellers for precisely this purpose - the United Nations. As we shall see in the next chapter, the controlled media have deliberately created a myth that the UN is a meaningless debating society. We are supposed to believe that the Rockefellers have spent millions on an organization that is, at best, an expensive but relatively harmless irritant. This public image of the UN has been invaluable to the global master planners, and it is about as accurate as an itinerant peddler's claim for his sure-fire snake oil potion.
The use of psychology and propaganda, or if you will, brainwashing, is not a Communist invention. lt was developed in the West in such places as the Rockefeller financed Tavistock Institute in England. While the Communists have used these tools for mindbending, so have the Rockefellers. The hidden persuaders from Madison Avenue, the Rand Corp. think-tank or Hudson Institute, can and do manipulate public opinion. The Establishment elitists refer to it as "the engineering of consent". That means we are made to think the manacles they are slipping on our wrists are love bracelets. The techniques developed by the Rockefeller "Thought Trust" have just been adopted and used more brutally by the Communists.
Equally important is CFR's influence in the mass media. Out of its 1,551 members, 60 were listed in official CFR reports as engaged in "journalism." An additional 61 were listed in "communications management", a highly descriptive title, because CFR members do indeed "manage" mass communications media, especially the influential segments. They control or own major newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks, and they control the most powerful companies in the book publishing business.
The "New World Order" the Rockefellers are planning will be a world dictatorship. Conservatives will call it Socialism or Communism, Liberals will call it Fascism. The label makes little difference; it will be the Gulag Archipelago on a worldwide basis.
When Bobo Sears Rockefeller was obtaining a divorce from the late Winthrop Rockefeller, she exploded two bombshells at the trial. The first was that Winthrop had one of the largest and most valuable collections of pornography in the world. (The punch line is that the pictures were not of girls.)
Revelation number two from the bizarre divorce proceedings was the disclosure that the Brothers Rockefeller would get together from time to time - to brainstorm on ways they could make Nelson the President, without the benefit of an election. (They realized he could never get into the Oval Office via the ballot box.)
So Rockefeller became an appointed Vice President. And, he was named by a man who was not elected, who was appointed by a man who resigned because he was about to be impeached. We doubt if the Brothers Rockefeller could dream up anything quite this wild even after the fifth martini. Or could they?
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недеља, 20. октобар 2019.

[PDF, MOBI (Eng)] United Nations Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 - "sustainable development" through global population control and reduction

Citat iz Agende 21:
The growth of world population and production combined with unsustainable consumption patterns places increasingly severe stress on the life-supporting capacities of our planet. These interactive processes affect the use of land, water, air, energy and other resources. Rapidly growing cities, unless well-managed, face major environmental problems. The increase in both the number and size of cities calls for greater attention to issues of local government and municipal management. The human dimensions are key elements to consider in this intricate set of relationships and they should be adequately taken into consideration in comprehensive policies for sustainable development. Such policies should address the linkages of demographic trends and factors, resource use, appropriate technology dissemination, and development. Population policy should also recognize the role played by human beings in environmental and development concerns. There is a need to increase awareness of this issue among decision makers at all levels and to provide both better information on which to base national and international policies and a framework against which to interpret this information.
Agendu 21 i Agendu 2030 UN možete preuzeti u PDF formatu sa izvora:

Video o Agendi 21
"Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective" in the process of implementing Sustainable Development.
Harvey Ruvin, Climate Change Advisory Task Force chairman.

(MOBI) Rosa Koire - Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21  (2011)


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среда, 16. октобар 2019.

[PDF] Bernard Connolly - The Rotten Heart of Europe (The Dirty War for Europe's Money, 1995)


Bernard Connolly was born in Manchester in 1949, and studied at Oxford.
He has worked on Wall Street, and for six years from 1989 was the head of the European Commission responsible for analysis of the European Monetary System and national and Community money policies. On publication of the hardback edition of this book he was suspended from his job and subsequently sacked. He is widely regarded by academics and bankers as the foremost practical expert on the interaction of politics and economics in European monetary affairs.
A single currency in Europe would be consistent with integration, economic convergence, with the drawing of full advantage from capital liberalization and with a successful Single Market only if asymmetric real shocks were of minimal importance. For this to happen, the process of levelling-up of productivity and income standards would have had to be completed - for the changes that trigger such levelling-up are themselves asymmetric real shocks. Even that would not be enough: the whole 'economic culture' would have had to become totally uniform across countries, to rule out the possibility of future divergence. The relative sizes of the public and private sectors, the degree of government regulation and subsidy, the role of corporatist institutions versus free markets, the scope and direction of social security systems, the cast of education - all these would first have had to be 'harmonized'. What is more, there would have to be complete certainty that no country in the monetary union could ever move away from this state of conformity in the future. That list of conditions amounts, in effect, to the prior existence of a single government - complete political union. But of course, if all these prior conditions were satisfied, exchange rates would be stable in any case. There would be no need for a single currency - its only benefit would be the elimination of exchange transactions costs. But these are already piffiing (even the Commission itself in 1990 estimated them at less than 0.5% of Community GOP - hardly more than the amount of CAP fraud that is publicly admitted to and a very great deal less than the economic costs of existing Community common policies). And in future, these costs will fall to negligible amounts as financial technology and the 'cashless economy' make further strides. In short, there is no meaningful economic argument for a single currency in Europe - now or ever.13
A currency has meaning because it expresses national monetary sovereignty.14 The circumstances that might make a country want to give up its national monetary sovereignty irrevocably can never have anything rationally to do with economics - though the connection is often falsely made. A reason can be found only in politics or, more accurately, in the desire of certain groups of people to create, extend or buttress power for themselves at the expense of the electorates they are supposed to serve. We shall see many, many examples of this throughout this book.

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недеља, 13. октобар 2019.

Kina: elektronski logor

Some toilets in Beijing use facial recognition science to limit the amount of toilet paper dispensed to each individual.

By 2020, China’s government aims to make the video surveillance network “omnipresent, fully networked, always working and fully controllable,” combining data mining with sophisticated video and image analysis, official documents show.

China seeks to achieve several interlocking goals: to dominate the global artificial-intelligence industry, to apply big data to tighten its grip on every aspect of society, and to maintain surveillance of its population more effectively than ever before.

But who’s a criminal? In China, documents for the Police Cloud project unearthed by Human Rights Watch list “petitioners” — people who complain to the government about perceived injustices — as potential targets of surveillance, along with anyone who “undermines stability” or has “extreme thoughts.” Other documents cite members of ethnic minorities, specifically Muslim Uighurs from Xinjiang, as subjects of scrutiny.

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China’s new 500-megapixel ‘super camera’ can instantly recognize you in a crowd

China is already home to extensive facial recognition technology, using it to identify criminals, monitor students’ attention, and even let citizens purchase train tickets.
Now, in an attempt to enrich its surveillance arsenal, researchers from the country have developed a 500 megapixel facial recognition camera capable of capturing “thousands of faces at a stadium in perfect detail and generate their facial data for the cloud while locating a particular target in an instant.”
The AI-based cloud camera service was developed in collaboration between Shanghai-based Fudan University and Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Changchun, according to Global Times.
The “super camera” is also said to have the ability to shoot panoramic photos with a clear image of every single human face, something that can be put to use in extremely crowded public spots.
The facial recognition system has been designed keeping national defense, military and public security in mind, the report said, adding it could “serve as a watchdog at military bases, satellite launch bases and national borders to prevent suspicious people and objects from entering or exiting.”

The surveillance panopticon

The development comes as civil liberty groups and lawmakers across the world are waking up to the woes that might come with increased facial recognition technology, not to mention raising privacy concerns in a country well-known for its entrenched surveillance of its citizens.
Chinese cities are the most monitored in the world, with an estimated 200 million CCTV cameras watching over its people, a figure that’s predicted to rise 213 percent by 2020 to 626 million.
It’s no secret that China has been hard at work designing a statewide Social Credit System that employs a reputation-based behavioral scoring methodology to...

петак, 11. октобар 2019.

[YouTube] 12-year old Victoria Grant explains politics of debt

12-year old Victoria Grant explains why her homeland, Canada, and most of the world, is in debt. April 27, 2012 at the Public Banking in America Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

недеља, 29. септембар 2019.

[Video (Eng)] Walter Veith - The UN & the Occult Agenda (2004)

Author: Walter Veith
Description: Does the United Nations have only a political agenda or is there a spiritual or religious dimension to its activities? In this video, it is clearly exposed what the hidden agenda behind the scenes is all about. From its inception to its ultimate goal, the creation of a unitary political religious system is discussed which will have far-reaching consequences for every individual on earth and possible catastrophic consequences for those who trust in salvation in Christ alone. Includes a look at Robert Mueller's school and philosophy, and how the cosmic christ and the United Nations go together.

петак, 27. септембар 2019.

[Dokumentarac (Eng)] Grant R. Jeffrey - Shadow Government (2009)

Ovaj odličan dokumentarac nastao je na osnovu knjige
"Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You"
koja se može nabaviti na Amazonu: https://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Government-Secret-Surveillance-Against/dp/1400074428
Pogledajte stranu filma na IMDB.
Dokumentarac možete preuzeti ili ga pogledati direktno na Yandex disku putem OVE VEZE

File size: 556 MiB
Duration: 1 h 28 min
Overall bit rate: 879 kb/s
Width: 854 pixels
Height: 480 pixels
29.970 FPS

субота, 21. септембар 2019.

[Knjiga (Eng)] Kevin Mugur Galalae - Water, Salt, Milk Killing Our Unborn Children

        In the 21st century, the six hierarchies of power have grown so greedy, so removed from their own societies and so out of control that they decided to come together and parasitize the entire world instead of just the people of their own nations. To achieve this they realized that they need to work together and each is doing its part to create a six-sided pyramid of power whose base now contains the entire global population. Instead of abandoning the hierarchical model of governance they have strengthened and reconstituted the Egyptian/Royal model of absolute power, which is why the will of the people goes as unheeded now as during the days of the Egyptian pharos and Roman emperors.
        The role of the politicians is to pretend to represent their people’s democratic rights and liberties so as to deceive the masses long enough for their covert methods of eradication to wipe off the face of the earth those of us whom they have no need for and no place in their New World Order.
        The role of the CEOs is to squeeze as much labour and profit from employees as is necessary to fund the war against our rights, liberties, property and lives.
        The role of the judges is to make mass murder legal and injustice the new law of the land. The role of the scientist is to devise new methods and processes of mass extermination and to find scientific justification for them.
        The role of the priests is to comfort us with false promises about the next world and so prevent us from going for the throats of those who murder our children, our potential and our hope.
        The role of the technocrats who man the international organizations is to create a last line of deception for the common man and to apportion the loot to the six hierarchies of power at the top of the global hexagonal pyramid.
        The New World Order model is not just anti-democratic and fascist, it is also eugenicist. It embodies all the bad habits of the past amplified by systemic immorality. The dogma by which it keeps us oppressed is science. It is scientific necessity; so we are told. The primary social values nurtured in us through scientific education is myopia and compliance for that is how we can be idiot savants who can see the tree and tell you all about each species but who cannot see the forest and that it is burning. By controlling the information and educating idiot savants the wielders of the New World Order need only compartmentalize society into small and disparate units whose human members work on insignificant details towards their own destruction. Human beings have never mattered less and have never been more stupid, more ignorant, and more easily manipulated than they are today because of their scientific and myopic education. That is how we have become trapped in an evil system.

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среда, 28. август 2019.

Lucifer Trust – The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations (by Atrayu)

Preuzeto sa https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_lucytrust04.htm

33 Segments surrounded by sprigs of acacia
'Welcome to the United Nations. It's your World'...

The Lucis Trust

The Lucis Trust is the Publishing House which prints and disseminates United Nations material. It is a devastating indictment of the New Age and Pagan nature of the UN.
Lucis Trust was established in 1922 as Lucifer Trust by Alice Bailey as the publishing company to disseminate the books of Bailey and Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. The title page of Alice Bailey's book, 'Initiation, Human and Solar' was originally printed in 1922, and clearly shows the publishing house as 'Lucifer Publishing CoIn 1923.'

Bailey changed the name to Lucis Trust, because Lucifer Trust revealed the true nature of the New Age Movement too clearly. (Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, p. 49). A quick trip to any New Age bookstore

субота, 17. август 2019.

[PDF (Eng)] Elana Freeland - Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth (2014)

"Every era has its powerful sociopaths and military mindsets that call for creativity and will to fight to uphold the best of what it means to be human."

Planeta Zemlja nalazi se u kandžama najvećih degenerika od postanja sveta.  Čitajući ovu izvrsnu knjigu dizala mi se kosa na glavi i sada sam ubeđeniji nego ikad da svo zlo dolazi iz istog mesta. Evo nekoliko citata iz knjige:

Nor was a peep heard in the American media when the European Parliament on January 28, 1999 called for
(1) international conventions over non-lethal weapons,
(2) an examination of HAARP by an international independent body, and
(3) an international ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings.

. . . [the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection] regards the U.S. military ionospheric manipulation system, HAARP, based in Alaska, which is only a part of the development and deployment of electromagnetic weaponry for both external and internal security use, as an example of the most serious emerging military thread to the global environment and human health, as it seeks to interfere with the highly sensitive and energetic section of the biosphere for military purposes, while all of its consequences are not clear, and calls on the Commission, Council, and Member States to press the U.S. Government, Russia, and any other state involved in such activities to cease them, leading to a global convention against such weaponry . . .70

недеља, 21. јул 2019.

Baxter Dmitry - France Becomes First Country To Ban All 5 Pesticides That Kill Bees

In May 2018 the EU banned three of the significant pesticides implicated in the collapse of bee populations. To save the bees, clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam are now prohibited for use on crops. 
In May 2018 the EU banned three of the significant pesticides implicated in the collapse of bee populations. To save the bees, clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam are now prohibited for use on crops.
However late last year France went a step further and set the

среда, 3. јул 2019.

[Video (Eng)] Dr Bill Warner and Graham Moore Talk Sharia

Great Britain Muslim Minister of Justice:
I'm proud of the achievements of the Muslims of this country from 97. In 1997 we got our first Muslim MP; in 2001 we had two Muslim MPs; in 2005 we had four Muslim MPs, inshallah in 2009/10 we'll have 8 Muslim MPs; in 2014 we'll have 16 Muslim MPs.
At this rate the whole parliament will be Muslim.

четвртак, 27. јун 2019.

[Video (Eng)] Political Correctness Exposed: Marxism, Communism, Frankfurt School

The left has been telling these lies for almost a hundred years now in order to resurrect a political philosophy that has killed no less than 100 million people and still will not die.

уторак, 18. јун 2019.

[Documentary (Eng)] The Idiot Cycle - What You aren't being told about cancer

The Idiot Cycle investigates six major chemical companies not only responsible for decades of cancer causing chemicals, but who also profit from cancer treatments.

The Idiot Cycle is a 2009 French-Canadian documentary which alleges that six major chemical companies are responsible for decades of cancer causing chemicals and pollution, and also develop cancer treatments and drugs. It also argues these companies own the most patents on genetically modified crops that have never been tested for long term health impacts like cancer.

The film was shot in Canada (Sarnia, Ottawa, Toronto, ON and Saskatoon, SK), the United States (Memphis, TN, Midland, MI, and Washington DC), The Netherlands (Amsterdam), France (Agen, Paris), Italy (Bologna), Germany (Weilheim, Frankfurt, Bad Neihum, Burladingen, Tübingen), Belgium (Brussels), England (London, Hemel Hempstead), and Northern Ireland (Coleraine).

Film festivals Awards: "Green Report" Award - Romanian Film Festival Document.Art.

Directed by Emmanuelle Schick Garcia
Produced by Emmanuelle Schick Garcia and Laila Tahhar
Written by Emmanuelle Schick Garcia
Narrated by Emmanuelle Schick Garcia
Music by Joseph Guigui, David Dahan
Cinematography Jean Marc Abela, Florian Geyer
Edited by Yael Bitton

Distributed by JPS Films
Release dates: September 25, 2009 (Canada)
Running time 96 minutes


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понедељак, 17. јун 2019.

[Video (Eng)] State of Mind: The Psychology of Control (2013)

Are we controlled? To what extent and by whom? What does it mean for humanity's future? The enormous implications of these questions deter most of us who must deal with the daily consequences of the answers. STATE OF MIND digs deeply into the sources to reveal that much of that which we believe to be truth has been deception, deliberately implanted in our consciousness to erect a "tyranny over the minds of men". From cradle to grave our parents, peers, institutions and society inform our values and behaviors. But this process has been hijacked. STATE OF MIND examines the science that has evolved over generations to keep us firmly in place and maintain the status quo so that dictators, power brokers and corporate puppeteers may profit from our ignorance and slavery. From the anvil of compulsory schooling to media and entertainment, we are kept in perpetual bondage to the ideas that shape our actions. STATE OF MIND delves into the abyss to bring to light the manipulation and shocking and suppressed examples that reveal the true agendas at work...

Preuzmite MP4 video 720p putem ove veze https://yadi.sk/d/o5HyREHjI7tiKg
ili ga pogledajte na YouTube:

недеља, 9. јун 2019.

субота, 8. јун 2019.

Russ Dizdar - Luciferianism and New Age

Where You see the promise of evolution to God-hood - You see lucifers direct teaching.
... If the spiritual entities are saying: By embracing the teaching, by embracing the secret knowledge - You will be able to evolve, or an evolutionary development is coming that is going to evolve humanity to God-hood, Homo Deity - then You are dealing with direct doctrine.

уторак, 7. мај 2019.

[Video (Eng)] Sofia Smallstorm on Chemtrails (Conspiracy Con 2011)

Interesantno predavanje Sofije Smolstorm o kemtrejls-ima, nanotehnologiji, trans-humanizmu i mokrim snovima manijakalnih degenerika:
Biological processes will be run by technology, living things will not be reproductive, The Earth will be populated with engineered species and all processes will be patented, licensed and controlled.
London School of Economics predicted in 2007 the human race will one day split into two separate species: an attractive intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted ugly goblin-like creatures; so here you have the workers and the elites.

недеља, 5. мај 2019.

[Knjiga (Eng, Srb)] Vance Ferrell - The Vaccination Crisis

By this time, our leaders were declaring that we had not violated the earlier biological weapons treaty, since all research was only done for purposes of defense. This “biological defense” research between 1980 and 1986 produced 51 projects which produced strange, new bacteria and viruses; 32 which increased toxin production; 23 which no vaccine could resist; 14 which could not be diagnosed; and 3 which no drug could treat.

“According to Dr. George Todara, director of Oncogen, a bio-technology company in Seattle, and Dr. Raoul Benveniste, a virologist at the National Cancer Institute, RNA retroviruses can approach a cell’s DNA, create their own viral DNA versions of themselves (like a negative of a photograph), and insert the viral DNA into the cell (Ponte, Lowell, “Jumping Genes”: Reader’s Digest, April 1987, pp. 132-137). If the viruses are carrying genetic material from other species (culture media for viral vaccines include monkey kidneys and chick embryos), they will engraft this material as well.” —Harold E. Buttram, M.D., and John Chriss Hoffman, Ph. D., Vaccinations and
Immune Malfunctions, 1987, p. 55.
Knjigu možete preuzeti u PDF formatu na engleskom ili na srpskom jeziku putem ove veze.

уторак, 23. април 2019.

Princes of the Yen: Central Bank Truth Documentary

Nemoguće je shvatiti globalizam ako se ne pogleda ovaj dokumentarac.

From 2004, under the ECB’s (European Central Bank) watch, bank credit growth in Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain increased by over 20% per annum and property prices sky rocketed. When bank credit fell, property prices collapsed, developers went bankrupt, and the banking systems of Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Greece became insolvent.
The ECB could have prevented these bubbles, just as it could have ended the ensuing banking and economic crises.
But it refused to do so until major political concessions had been made, such as the transfer of fiscal and budgeting powers from each sovereign state to the European Union.
In both Spain and Greece youth unemployment has been pushed up to 50%, forcing many youths to seek employment abroad. Greek doctors for whose education Greek taxpayers have paid, now work in Germany.
The deliberations of the ECB's decision-making bodies are secret.
The mere attempt at influencing the ECB –for instance through democratic debate and discussion– is forbidden according to the Maastricht Treaty.
The ECB is an international organization that is above and outside the laws and jurisdictions of any individual nation.
Its senior staff carry diplomatic passports and the files and documents inside the European Central Bank cannot be searched or impounded by any police force or public prosecutor.

уторак, 9. април 2019.

[Knjiga (Eng)] Colin A. Ross, M.D. - The C.I.A. Doctors

Colin A. Ross, M.D. - The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists

A memo from Thomas H. Karamessines, Deputy Director for Plans, CIA, to Richard Helms, Director of the CIA, declassified on September 15, 1975 describes ten chemical warfare agents and six toxins stored at Fort Detrick for the CIA:
1. Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) - 100 grams
2. Pasturella tularensis (tularemia) - 20 grams
3. Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis virus (encephalitis) - 20 grams
4. Cocccidiodes imnitis (valley fever) - 20 grams
5. Brucella suis (brucellosis) - 2 to 3 grams
6. Brucella melitensis (brucellosis) - 2 to 3 grams
7. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis) - 5 grams
8. Salmonella typhimurium (food poisoning) - 10 grams
9. Salmonella typhimurium (chlorine resistant) (food poisoning) -3 grams
10. Variola virus (small pox) - 50 grams
1. Staphylococcal Enterotoxin (food poisoning) - 10 grams
2. Clostridium botulinum Type A (lethal food poisoning) - 5 grams
3. Paralytic Shellfish Poison - 5.193 grams
4. Bungarus Candidis Venom (Krait) (lethal snake venom) - 2 grams
5. Microcystis aeruginosa toxin (intestinal flu) - 25 mg.
6. Toxiferine (paralyic effect) - 100 mg

Subproject 62 documents describe Dr. Baldwin’s interest in sensory isolation experiments, and a Subproject status report states that, “certain kinds of radio frequency energy have been found to effect reversible neurological changes in chimpanzees.”

MKULTRA Subproject 119 was a literature review that included a summary of existing information on “Techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means.”

Knjigu možete preuzeti kao EPUB ili PDF putem OVE VEZE ili je možete pogledati na Google-u na OVOJ ADRESI

субота, 2. март 2019.

[Knjiga (Eng/Srb)] A. Ralph Epperson - The Unseen Hand

"An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History"

Mislim da smo prihvatili ideju o velikom proširenju ovlašćenja u društvenim propisima. Ona će možda imati i takve forme kao što su zakonski propisi o broju dece, ili čak o njihovom polu, jednom kada budemo imali takve mogućnosti, zatim propisi o slobodnom vremenu, i tako dalje.

Zbignjev Bžežinski (Zbigniew Brzezinski)

Naša snaga ne poznaje slobodu ili pravdu. Ona je u potpunosti uspostavljena na uništenju pojedinačne volje. Mi smo gospodari. Potpuna nezainteresovanost prema patnjama naša je dužnost. U ispunjavanju naše misije najveća okrutnost je vrlina.
Putem sistematskog terora, tokom koga će svako raskidanje ugovora, svaka izdaja i svaka laž biti zakonite, mi ćemo naći načina da čovečanstvo spustimo na najniži nivo egzistencije. To je nužno za uspostavljanje naše dominacije.

Lenjin (Влади́мир Ильи́ч Улья́нов Ле́нин)

Preuzmite knjigu u PDF formatu, na ENGLESKOM ili na SRPSKOM jeziku.

среда, 30. јануар 2019.

[Video (Eng)] Feminism and the Disposable Male

What has feminism done to shatter the patriarchal "women and children first" mentality, and elevate men to status as full human beings deserving of empathy and human rights? What has it done to reinforce and legally entrench the mentality that everyone, including men themselves, should put men last?

среда, 23. јануар 2019.

Vicomte Leon De Poncins - Freemasonry and Judaism Secret Powers Behind Revolution (1929)

This book WON'T be shared on this blog because it insults my people and myself in quoted passage from page 79.
It uncovers the root of European nacism.
You can acquire it from another sources.

It is a wholly Slav Byzantine psychology which one finds here, violent momentary excitement, dislike of all regular work, alarming mania of destruction, and the poison (of revolutionary propaganda) would never have produced such results in German or Latin brains. 

четвртак, 10. јануар 2019.

[Video (Eng)] Wireless wake-up call - Jeromy Johnson @ TEDxBerkeley


Science shows that we're all affected on some level whether we can feel it or not and the reason is, because essentially our bodies are electric, every cell in our body communicates using tiny electric signals. It's how our nervous system operates so to think that we could put an exponential amount of microwave radiation into our environment and not feel effects is simply false.