среда, 20. септембар 2017.

[Knjiga (eng)] Edith Starr Miller (Lady Queenborough) - Occult Theocrasy [1933]

Izuzetna knjiga koja dokazuje bez imalo sumnje da tajna društva sadrže talog čovečanstva.
Komentar sa archive.org:
Edith Starr Miller, the author of this book, was a British blue blood on par with Princess Diana. She understood occult religions and secret societies as she experienced them first hand--her husband was the 1st Baron of Queenborough, treasurer of the League of Nations and member of British Union of Fascists who helped secure oil monopolies for John D. Rockefeller. Shortly after the book's publication, Edith Starr Miller, age 45, died, as even as the occult Grand Lodge of Canada attested, "under suspicious circumstances." Modernists dismiss Edith as "anti-Semitic," a term used by the narrow-minded to end open-minded discussion. Miller's sin? She wrote that Judaism's goal (and secret societies) was to enpower the super rich by controlling education and the mass media. She felt such goals were Satanic in origin. After reading Miller's opus, it is hard to argue otherwise in light of what is occurring in the world today. The work is simply fascinating.
Evo nekoliko citata iz knjige:
The game of politics is the pursuit of power. In all
democracies, there are two separate organizations
playing the political game. The open and visible one,
the members of which hold office as members of a
government, and the invisible one composed of indivi-
duals who control this visible organization and in
whom is vested the real power, the essence of which
is finance, controlling the publicity which makes or
unmakes its tools.
This financial power may be used to promote truth
or fallacies, good or evil, national prosperity or national
ruin, but so long as human nature is what it is, so long
as jealousy, greed, personal ambition and expediency
can sway the lives of men, so long will the rule of the
invisible power prevail by methods inimical to the
best interests of a nation. The strength of a democracy
thus lies at the mercy of invisible leaders who, being
nationally irresponsible, cannot be called to account
for the consequences of the acts of the governments they
control. This at the same time constitutes the inherent
weakness of any form of government, the apotheosis
of which is the control of both parties in the state,
right and left, radical and conservative, by the same
forces. Then, only the puppets change while the rule
of the individuals controlling the machine continues
unhindered. Voters who wonder why their efforts have
failed, wonder in vain. As the dupes of a controlled
publicity their privilege of the vote is a farce.
The fate of Italy is the fate of all nations governed
by political rings. Italy in the 19th century seems to
have been the vortex of the intrigue directed against
Christianity which today ravages the world, carrying
in its wake a general disregard of all ideals, decency,
duty and loyalty.
Liberty is corrupted into licentiousness, marital fidel-
ity into perversion, equality into equality of low
standards and fraternity into a brotherhood based on
mutual slavery under the yoke of International Finance.
In 1862, the First International came into being and
the part played in it by such Freemasons as Karl
Marx, Tolain, Fribourg, Varlin, Camelinat, Beslay,
Malon and Corbon is well known.
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