недеља, 3. септембар 2017.

[Knjiga (eng, odt)] William Morgan - Illustrations of Masonry (1826)

Moja definicija masonerije je da je to mesto gde se sreću istočnjački i zapadnjački prostakluk.
Knjiga Kapetana Morgana opisuje tajne rituale i znakove prva tri stepena tzv masonerije "plave lože".
U današnje vreme poodmaklog satanizma gradiranog u 33 stepena to možda ne izgleda bitno ali ne sme se zaboraviti da je Kapetan Morgan zbog toga ubijen od svoje "braće". Ova knjiga je sasvim dovoljna...
da se shvati mera duhovne i moralne degenerisanosti zapadne kulture.
Masonerija bi bila tragikomična kada ti degenerici ne bi, NAŽALOST, vladali svetom.

Citat iz knjige Final Warning - A History Of The New World Order - David Allen Rivera:
In 1826, Captain William Morgan, a journalist and stonemason from Batavia, New
York, who was a high degree mason in a local Masonic lodge, wrote an exposé of the
Masonic Order in a book called Illustrations of Masonry, which revealed many of their
secrets concerning the first three degrees. Shortly afterward, he was arrested and
charged with stealing and indebtedness, and put in jail. The IIluminati tried him in
absentia, convicted him of treason, and ordered five men, led by Richard Howard, an
English Illuminist, to execute him. When he was released from jail, he was warned
about the plot, and he attempted to flee to Canada. Howard caught him at the border,
and took him to Fort Niagara, where he was held for a couple of days. The Freemasons
that accompanied Howard, carried him off in a boat, and drowned him in the Niagara

This event was verified by the sworn statement of Avery Allen (said to be on file atthe New York City Archives), who heard Howard give a report of the incident at a
meeting of the Knights Templar at St. John’s Hall in New York City. One of the three
men who carried out the assassination, confessed on his deathbed in 1848.
Masonic leaders refused to cooperate with the lengthy investigation, which didn’t get
anywhere, since many of the police officers were Masons. The general consensus was
that Morgan accidentally drowned himself in Lake Ontario. However, the press, religious
leaders, temperance and anti-slavery groups, united to condemn the apparent murder.
The murder caused over half of the Masons in the northeastern United States to break
off their alignment with the IIluminati. The incident led to the creation of the country’s
first third party movement, the Anti-Masonic Party (1826-33) in New York. They wanted
to stop the aristocratic conspiracy, and prevent all members of Masonic organizations
from public service. Anti-Masonic candidates were elected to the New York Assembly in
Citat iz knjige Manual of Freemasonry - Richard Carlile:
My exposure of Freemasonry in 1825 led to its exposure in the United States of America; and a Mason there of the name of William Morgan, having announced his intention to assist in the work of exposure, was kidnapped under pretended forms and warrants of law, by his brother Masons, removed from the State of New York to the borders of Canada, near the falls of Niagara, and there most barbarously murdered. This happened in 1826. The States have been for many years much excited upon the subject; a regular warfare has arisen between Masons and Anti-Masons; societies of Anti-Masons have been formed; newspapers and magazines started; and many pamphlets and volumes, with much correspondence, published; so that, before the Slavery Question was pressed among them all parties had merged into Masons and Anti-Masons. Several persons were punished for the abduction of Morgan; but the murderers were sheltered by Masonic Lodges, and rescued from Justice. This was quite enough to show that Masonry, as consisting of a secret association, or an association with secret oaths and ceremonies, is a political and social evil.
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