недеља, 25. септембар 2022.

[PDF, Eng] Dr. John Coleman - One World Order (Socialist Dictatorship)

How Fabian Socialists took over Great Britain and U.S.A.
In this book British and American socialists are listed by name and deed.
Yet, for all these years, while our attention was focused on the evils of Communism in Moscow, the Socialists in Washington were busy stealing America.
In the United States the Socialist purveyors hang other signs outside their political shop windows. No one ever calls himself or herself a Socialist, at least not in public. They wear no badge, registering themselves, "Liberals," "Progressives" and "Moderates." Power hungry moves are disguised in terms of "peace" and "humanitarianism."
All United States presidents since Wilson have repeatedly stated that the United States is a Democracy, when in fact, it is a Confederated Republic.
Many of the student-members of SLID went on to join the Democrat Party, rather than try to form their own Socialist Party. It was from this beginning that the Democrat Party became infested with Socialists, until today, it is estimated... by intelligence specialist contacts of mine, that as much as 86 percent of Democrat Party membership is made up of hard core Socialists.
Executive orders are an unconstitutional Socialist ruse to use the legislative route to make the Constitution of the United States of no effect, where Socialist Dictatorship direct methods are not possible to bring about desired Socialist changes blocked by the Constitution.
But five years later found the British government "borrowing" heavily from the United States to make social security work. John Strachey, so idolized by the Fabian Socialists, discovered that no matter how much he regulated the amount of social security, increasing it when needed, it was still not enough to generate purchasing power, so Strachey, the No. 1 Marxist and Minister of Food Supply, had to ration supplies. The Socialists had almost bankrupted the country, in one year, 1947, spending $2.75 billion on their Socialist programs, the money "borrowed" from the United States! The "loans" were the work of Laski, and Harry Dexter White of the United States Treasury, and a Soviet informant.
In the "American Fabian" of 1895, (unlike the disguised Socialists who infest the United States House and Senate and the Judiciary and who act as advisers to the President) the Fabian Socialist aims for America were rather plainly stated:
"We call our paper, 'The American Fabian' for two reasons; we call it 'Fabian' because we desire to make it stand for the kind of educational Socialist work which is so ably done by the English Fabian Society...We call our paper, 'The American Fabian' because our policies must in a measure differ from those of the English Fabians. England and America are alike in some things; in some things they are utterly unlike. England's constitution readily admits to constant though gradual modification. Our American Constitution does not readily admit to such change. England can thus move into Socialism almost imperceptibly. Our Constitution being largely individualist must be changed to admit Socialism and each change necessitates a political crisis."
Dewey first came to the notice of the Socialist hierarchy while teaching at the Lincoln School of Teachers College, a hotbed of Marxist-Liberalist education, supported by the General Education Board.
It was here that Dewey met Nelson Aldrich and David Rockefeller. Of the two, Dewey reportedly said that David was completely Socialized, committing to its philosophies wholeheartedly. The Un-American Committee cited Dewey as belonging to 15 Marxist-front organizations. A few years later, Rockefeller rewarded Dewey by making him Governor of New York and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Although Dewey went on to occupy most- ly political positions, it was his indoctrination of Nelson and David Rockefeller into Socialisms and Marxism that did the most damage, as millions upon millions of dollars were thereafter donated to fighting "religious clause" school cases in the Supreme Court and undermining education and infecting America's school system with the Socialist virus.
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