петак, 26. јануар 2018.

[Knjiga (Eng)] Juri Lina - Architects Of Deception ( 2004)

Estonski pisac Juri Lina zauzima istaknuto mesto među nezavisnim istraživačima; njegove knjige su riznica informacija o masoneriji i Novom svetskom poretku. Obavezno pročitati.
Kratak izvod iz knjige:
     Illuminati General Giuseppe Mazzini planned in the 1850s to cover all Europe with a network of masonic organizations and unite the European nations into a central committee. In 1834, Mazzini coordinated revolutions in various countries. As early as March of 1848 he dreamed of establishing the United States of Europe. Against such plans stood Austria-Hungary, wherefore the Grande Oriente d'ltalia demanded its destruction.
     Giuseppe Mazzini stated in his manifesto of March 1848: "Austria being the greatest denier of the European principle of nationhood must disappear. War against Austria! The initiative to this European world revolution, which must lead to the United States of Europe, lies in the power of Italy, thus it is the duty of Italy. «The People's Rome» shall in its new universal republican faith unite Europe and America and all the parts of the inhabited world into the final all-encompassing world power."
(Mazzini, "Opere" Volume XIII, Rome, 1884, p. 179)
     On 4 November 1848, the French freemason and famous author Victor Hugo (grand master of the Prieure de Sion) stated in the National Assembly: "The French people laid upon the ancient monarchist continent a foundation for an enormous structure, that will be known as the United States of Europe."
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