уторак, 23. новембар 2021.

[PDF (Ser, CIR)] Petr Mach (Peter Mah) - Kako istupiti iz EU

Петер Мах, економиста и политичар. Предаје економију на Високој школи финансија и администрације и Високој школи економије и менаџмента у Прагу. Председник је Странке слободних грађана. Био је дугогодишњи саветник председника Вацлава Клауса, и директор Центра за економију и политику. Издао је 2010 године књигу "Како иступити из Европске уније" у којој је дао закулисна сведочанства процеса усвајања Лисабонског уговора. Била је брзо разграбљена и сада је доступна само у електронском издању. Из разлога то интересовање читалаца за штампану верзију траје, аутор се одлучио да припреми друго издање – ово које се налази пред вама. Упркос протеклом процесу промена није било потребе да се на претходном тексту из 2010 године промени ни слово. За разлику од првог издања је књига ипак допуњена са два потпуно нова поглавља: о настанку европске дужничке уније и поглавље у којем Петер Мах предлаже конкретан изглед уставног закона о уравнотеженом буџету. Књига представља богату документацију преговора са Европском унијом од уласка Републике Чешке у ЕУ до данас. Аутор наводи низ изненађујућих, на појединим местима чак скандалозних изјава највиших Чешких и европских представника.

Неколико цитата из књиге:

Министар спољних послова Цирил Свобода је две године раније –7 октобра 2003 у Скупштини– открио у својој лакоречивости нешто што је ЕУ обично негирала: "Правна анализа која је била урађена од стране правне службе Европске комисије (каже) ДА ЋЕ СЕ ЕВРОПСКА УНИЈА РУКОВОДИТИ НОВИМ УГОВОРОМ И УКОЛИКО ГА НЕ УСВОЈЕ ЈЕДНА, ДВЕ ИЛИ ТРИ ЗЕМЉЕ, јер се такође Европска унија припрема за кризна решења, уколико би референдум или неки процес могао некад да не успе. Неће ваљда Европска унија да допусти да је терорище један, ако један каже 'не' док сви остали кажу 'да'. Ово није могуће у основним приступима."38
Два дана након тога, у петак 29. октобра 2004., премијер је у Бриселу потписао уговор (о Уставу ЕУ) о којем нити је преговарао нити га је читао.
У основне уговоре ЕУ је наиме уграђен осигурач против демонтаже тренутног модела функционисања уније. НИЈЕДАН ПОСЛАНИК ЕВРОПСКОГ ПАРЛАМЕНТА НЕМА ПРАВО ДА ПРЕДЛОЖИ УКИДАЊЕ НЕКЕ ВАЖЕЋЕ СМЕРНИЦЕ ИЛИ ОДЛУКЕ. Не може да устане и каже: "Предлажем укидање смернице 77/2001 о подстицају производње струје из соларних електрана, јер се то показује као неефективна скупа регулатива." Нема право на то. Једина институција која има право да предлаже Европском парламенту предлог директива или одлука, или њиховог укидања, је Европска комисија...
....Ко би само помислио да посланици у европском парламенту могу да остваре своју вољу макар једном за пет година, када бирају Европску комисију, греши. Како је одређено Лисабонским уговором "чланови комисије се бирају на основу укупне компетенције и ЕВРОПЕЈСТВА."8 Условом "европејства" је дакле заувек уставно утемељена водећа улога идеологије непрестаног јачања европских интеграција...
....Европску унију није могуће реформисати кроз Европски парламент. ЕУ није могуће реформисати изнутра...
Европски стабилизациони механизам
Политичари и чиновници запослени у ЕСМ-у (Европски стабилизациони механизам) имају пуни имунитет, за никаква своја дела не могу да буду кривично гоњени. Како каже члан 35 Уговора о ЕСМ, у интересу ЕСМ уживају председник савета гувернера, гувернери, заменици гувернера, директори, заменици директора, као и генерални директор и остали запослени, имунитет у судском поступку, уколико се ради о поступцима које су извршили за време свог службеног дејствовања и недодирљиви су у случају када се ради о њиховим службеним папирима и документима."94
Лепо је ову европску идеологију изразио такође немачки канцелар Герхард Шредер када је изјавио: "Да тзв. земље у развоју оставимо слободној игри тржишних сила апсолутно не долази у обзир. То је разлог зашто смо тако чврсто за политичку контролу процеса глобализације, за изнуђивање политичких и етичких принципа у светској економији."20
Политика спољне трговине тј. одређивање увозних царина и квота и преговори о условима спољне трговине са трећим странама су искључиво овлашћења ЕУ. Чланске државе немају никакво овлашћење да спроводе своју сопствену трговинску политику.
ЕУ за промене у политици спољне трговине не треба ни сагласност Европског парламента и одговарајуће одлуке, а царине издаје директно Европска комисија или Савет министара.
Члан 62 Мастрихтског Уговора 29 о оснивању ЕУ даје Савету министара овлашћење да изда списак земаља према којима се не могу увести визе.
Даљи притисак на мале државе је ЕУ извршила када је установила да све више њених грађана пребацује своју уштеђевину у швајцарску и друге земље мимо ЕУ, које не опорезују камате. Са Андором, Монаком и републиком Сан Марино, кнежевином Лихтенштајн и швајцарском је на крају ЕУ издејствовала споразум  на основу којег су ове земље у замену за слободну трговину са ЕУ морале да уведу порез на камате у висини 35% од штедње коју у овим земљама уложе грађани ЕУ, а приход да усмере чланским земљама ЕУ.7 Уколико дакле Немац уложи 100 хиљада евра у швајцарску банку и добије од камате 5000 евра, швајцарска мора да одбије порез од 1750 евра и да новац пошаље немачком министру финансија.

Књигу можете преузети путем ове везе:

четвртак, 18. новембар 2021.

AGENDA 21 - novel by Glenn Beck with Harriet Parke [Epub, Mobi (ENG)]


GLENN BECK, the nationally syndicated radio host and founder of TheBlaze television network, is a ten-time #1 bestselling author and is one of the few authors in history to have had #1 national bestsellers in the fiction, nonfiction, self-help and children’s picture book genres. His #1 fiction works include the novels The Overton Window, The Christmas Sweater, and The Christmas Sweater: A Picture Book. His #1 nonfiction works include Cowards, The Original Argument, The 7 (with Dr. Keith Ablow), Broke, Glenn Beck’s Common Sense, Arguing with Idiots and An Inconvenient Book. His other books include the national bestsellers The Snow Angel, Being George Washington and The Real America. Visit www.glennbeck.com or www.theblaze.com.

HARRIET PARKE is a registered nurse who specialized in emergency nursing and Emergency Department management. She has been published in the My Dad Is My Hero anthology, five Voices from the Attic anthologies (published by Carlow University, Pittsburgh, Pa.), the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and Pittsburgh Magazine. She has received an honorable mention from an Atlantic Monthly student short fiction writing contest. She is a member of The Madwomen, a Carlow University writing group, and a member of Pennwriters. A wild peacock roosts on her deck anytime he chooses.

Knjigu u Epub i Mobi formatu možete preuzeti putem ove veze:


петак, 7. мај 2021.

[Video (Eng)] Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: "This experimental drug is a well designed killing tool...

It's not only designed to kill human fertility, it's going to kill humans."

This is well thought out, this is absolutely not a random event... this is a highly crafted, well designed genetic modification tool with irreversible complications once people choose to be injected with one of this shots.
They've dropped that number down, hospitals don't get 180.000 - they still get 50.000 $ for COVID diagnosis.
The bottom line answer to these questions is - We don't know. There is no long term studies. We are in the middle of long term studies right now. EVERYBODY THAT'S PARTICIPATING IN THIS IS PART OF STAGE 3 / STAGE 4 CLINICAL TRIALS RIGHT NOW.

You can watch or download this video from Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I--o0oQ_Llqv2shv2ZmscRNd9w6EvmhS/view?usp=sharing

четвртак, 29. април 2021.

[TXT, PDF, PNG (Fra, Eng)] True interview with French socialist Jacques Attali



Michel Salomon's interview with French socialist Jacques Attali, published in the book "L'avenir de la vie" (The Future Of Life) [1981]


Original scans of interview in PNG, merged PDF and txt translation from French to English can all be found in this Google Drive folder:

English translation of the interview:
“Ein Wunderkind” would say the Germans, a child prodigy. At less than forty years old, Jacques Attali is all at the same time an economist of international reputation, a teacher, a political adviser very listened to the Socialist Party and a versatile writer, author not only of theoretical works on his discipline, but of essays. Noticed in fields as varied as politics, music, and, recently, medicine. The book he published in the fall of 1979, "L'Ordre Cannibale ou Pouvoir et Déclin de la Médecine", revived the debate in France, not only on the validity of the therapeutic act but on all existential problems, from birth to death, which underpin the organization of the healthcare system in the West.

What makes Attali run?

For those who are his friends, so much energy in so many directions baffles them. For those who are his enemies - and he has many, less because of his amiable, endearing personality, than because of his political options - this gifted man is suspect. Rooted in a land of reason, measure, “golden mean” -the middle of what exactly?-, the French establishment has always been wary of intellectuals who trample on its "French" gardens...

Jacques Attali undoubtedly disturbs, with his excesses, his excesses, his constant and feverish questioning. But in these times of crisis, don't we need to be more "worried" than reassured?...

Michel Salomon:
Why is an economist so passionately interested in medicine, health...

Jacques Attali:
I have found by studying the general economic problems of Western society that health costs are a major factor in the economic crisis. The production of consumers and their maintenance is expensive, even more expensive than the production of the commodities themselves. People are produced by the

недеља, 25. април 2021.

The Yan Reports: SARS-CoV-2 as Unrestricted Bioweapon made by Chinese Communist Party

Third Yan report by Li-Meng Yan (MD, PhD), Shu Kang (PhD), Jie Guan (PhD) and Shanchang Hu (PhD):

The Wuhan Laboratory Origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the Validity of the Yan Reports Are Further Proved by the Failure of Two Uninvited "Peer Reviews"

The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is a question that has attracted attention from all over the world. It has been portrayed by some as a great mystery, although the laboratory nature of this virus is evident to people with trained eyes. The fundamental reason for this current situation is a large-scale, multi-domain, deliberate scientific misinformation. In an effort to defeat this scientific misinformation and expose the true nature of SARS-CoV-2, we have published two scientific reports. Our FIRST REPORT (Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route) showed, using substantial evidence and logical analyses, why SARS-CoV-2 must be a laboratory product and how it could be created conveniently by following well-known concepts and established techniques.

Our SECOND REPORT (SARS-CoV-2 Is an Unrestricted Bioweapon: A Truth Revealed through Uncovering a Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud) exposed a large-scale, organized scientific fraud, through which the nature of SARS-CoV-2 as an Unrestricted Bioweapon was revealed. Our efforts were immediately met by great resistance. Within ten days of the publication of our first report, two self-claimed “peer reviews” came out to specifically criticize our report. The first review was published by four scientists from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security led by Dr. Gigi Gronvall. The second review was published on the MIT Press and produced by a group of four scientists led by Dr. Robert Gallo. Although we welcome critical reviews of our reports, such reviews have to be honest, logical, evidence-based, and produced by qualified scientists. These two reviews, however, did not meet any of the criteria. Unfortunately, these poor reviews were nonetheless used by the media to defame our reports, label laboratory origin theories as “conspiracy theories”, and further suppress the truth of SARS-CoV-2 origin.

Building on these media reports, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime then greatly amplified its own voice and promoted the falsified theory that SARS-CoV-2 must have come from nature. In a continued effort to fight and defeat scientific misinformation, here we provide our point-to-point responses to these reviews. Part I of the document is our responses to the MIT Press review, and Part II is our responses to the review published by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. We also included an opening statement at the beginning, where we summarized the main events of the Unrestricted Scientific Misinformation, including various cover-ups executed by individuals having close ties with the CCP regime, as well as Dr. Yan’s sustained efforts in exposing the truth of COVID-19. We sincerely hope that this document may help the world recognize the ongoing misinformation campaign and come to the realization that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is an Unrestricted Bioweapon developed by the CCP regime. We believe that this realization is crucial in defeating the COVID-19 pandemic and in protecting the global community from future bioweapon attacks.

If these reports vanish from these links on ZENODO in some totalitarian raid, You can download them from my GDrive folder.

среда, 14. април 2021.

[PDF (Eng)] Henry Makow Ph.D. - Illuminati, The Cult That Hijacked the World (2008)

Nekoliko citata iz ove izvrsne knjige:

Surviving the New World Order
The key is to ignore the crowd, which is manipulated by the Illuminati. It's good to be aware but we do not dance to tunes tapped out by degenerates. We do not gaze at mirrors made by midgets.
The human race is fast becoming the Rothschilds' ant farm. Thanks to their control over the media and education, information and entertainment are mostly tools for social control and behavior modification. ..........This cult, which has a stranglehold over thought and expression, pretty much defines reality.
The rich must "divide and rule": "The people must be dealt with not as Americans but as minorities set at each other's throats, Labor vs. Capital, Black vs. White, Catholic vs. Protestant, Christian vs. Jew for e.g." (87) He could have added male vs. female and gay vs. straight.
Modern history is the account of how the central banking cartel converts its monopoly of credit into a monopoly of power. This entails destroying our connection with nation, religion (God), race and family. It means substituting objective truth (God, nature) with their Diktat (political correctness, etc).
The "Mardi Gras Secrets" suggest that, given the depth of corruption, the U.S. cannot be taken seriously as a democracy. There is a pattern of Illuminati-Rothschild control throughout U.S. history. People who deny this are living in a fantasy.
Our rulers design wars as offerings to Lucifer. They find slaughter and mayhem exhilarating, as long as it is someone else who is sacrificed.
........The New World Order is full of empty platitudes about "peace" "tolerance" and "human rights." But in light of the NWO's murderous Communist (and Fascist) pedigree, these platitudes are no more convincing than if they were uttered by Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer..........
..............On 19th Nov. 1937 the influential Fabian Nicholas Murray Butler addressed a banquet in London with the words, "Communism is the instrument with which the financial world can topple national governments and then erect a world government with a world police and world money."
Rakovsky says the real aim of Freemasonry is to bring about Communism. 
Communism (i.e. the NWO) involves the destruction of the four pillars of our human identity: race, religion, nation and family. This is the real meaning of "diversity," "multiculturalism," "feminism," porn, "sexual liberation" and "gay rights".
Through control of banking, the "Jews" acquired a total monopoly of "the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media... we took over the publication of all school materials... Even your music! We censor the songs released for publication long before they reach the publishers... pretty soon we will have complete control of your thinking."...He boasts that they control Americans using guilt. "Your people don't have guts. We establish your thinking—we even place within you a 'guilt complex' making you afraid to criticize Jewry openly."..."History has been written in blood, not with ink. No letter, editorial or book has ever rallied the people or stopped tyranny.
Thus, we always must discern between the formal and the informal, the subjective and the objective. 
Formally, we live in a free society. Informally our "leaders" are dupes or traitors dedicated to our ultimate enslavement. 
Formally, we have a free press and education system. Informally, only those views that correspond to the occult (Masonic, "enlightenment") agenda get a hearing. 
Formally, art and entertainment are free expressions. Informally, with a few exceptions, only entertainment that advances the occult program will be encouraged. Countless movies fall under the category of predictive programming— teaching people to expect Satanic scenarios and horrifying catastrophes.
Formally, elections express the peoples' will and desire for change. Informally, elections are required to maintain the illusion of freedom and secure the taxes and bodies needed for endless wars. 
Formally, they believe in our country. Informally, they are doing everything to undermine it so the population will accept world government.

Knjigu u PDF formatu na engleskom jeziku možete preuzeti putem ove veze:

недеља, 14. фебруар 2021.

[YouTube] What it's like to use a De-Googled phone in real life? (Q&A of concerns)



петак, 12. фебруар 2021.

[Video (Eng)] Dr. John Coleman - The Committee of 300 (1994)

Liberty is based on individual freedom. We are individual people. We are not 'the mass', as disdainfully referred to by Karl Marx and socialist writers.

And if we could rebel against mighty powers of King George III, the most potent force in the world at that time, then, ladies and gentleman, it is time that we rebel against the federal government that is trammeling The Constitution under foot every day of the week.

Knjigu Dr. Colemana "Hijerarhija zaverenika: KOMITET 300" na SRPSKOM jeziku možete preuzeti putem ove veze: https://anti-globalista.blogspot.com/2017/01/dr-dzon-kolman-hijerarhija-zaverenika.html 

уторак, 12. јануар 2021.

[Video (Eng)] COVID 19 on Trial

All art and credits are posted at: JoePlummer.com/covid


After unprecedented media censorship in the USA, other countries recognize dangers from enormous power that big-tech companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter wield:

India's TFIglobal: big-tech acts are matter of national security for democracies. Twitter and other such social media platforms simply cannot be allowed to decide the fate of a democratic system.