среда, 27. новембар 2019.

[PDF (Eng)] Joan Veon - United Nations Global Straitjacket (1999)


Ako želite knjigu u papirnom izdanju:
Containment means that your knowledge and understanding is limited and/or your energies are taken off of the real agenda— world government. Yes, I am a pro-lifer, but if you get rid of the U.N., you can get rid of abortion, family planning, and the homosexual agenda, because this is part of their sustainable development agenda to reduce the population. By focusing on the pro-life agenda, many people who could be instrumental in getting rid of world government spend their energies, emotions, and money fighting something that is not the real problem. They are caught up in an activity that consumes their minds and thoughts so that they do not see the real problem!
Mora se odati priznanje Joan Veon jer je pročitala desetine hiljada strana globalističkih budalaština da bi sažela informacije u jednu knjigu.
Sa druge strane, najzaslužnija za nametanje globalizma u svetu su SAD tako da je knjiga kojom Joan Veon "brani" USA od globalizma čist paradoks.

- banka pod imenom "Svetska banka" (World Bank) NE POSTOJI. Nije mi jasno zašto autorka stalno upotrebljava taj naziv za banku koja se zove "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development".
- citati nisu preneti redom kojim se javljaju u knjizi.

Citati iz kjnige:
Every single country in the world has a central bank which controls their monetary system. Therefore, if a country is not doing the will of the international bankers— the owners of these private corporations, all they have to do is sell that country's currency at the same time in order to bring the renegade country to its knees!!! The real reason for the problems in Asia, particularly with Malaysia, Thailand, and Korea is that they wanted to keep their own economic sovereignty. The bank which oversees all of the world's central banks is the Bank for International Settlements. According to Bill Clinton’s mentor, Dr. Carroll Quigley, who wrote Tragedy and Hope:
The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole... . The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds’ central banks which were themselves private corporations.
On April 20, 1970, an article appeared in the Anaheim Bulletin entitled "Executive J—The United Nations is given full diplomatic recognition of being a sovereign world government." The article stated: "Historians of the future may point to March 19, 1970, as the day when the United States of America became an arm of a One World government. It happened quietly, unnoticed by the press, in a Senate chamber only partly filled, as a few Senators waited their turns.... (The floor speaker stated): "The Senate will proceed to vote on Executive J, first session, 91st Congress, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations." At the end of the count, the vole showed 78 yeas and zero negatives, with 22 senators absent. So it was that the United Nations would no longer be honored as a mere "International Organization." It now has the status of full diplomatic recognition as a sovereign government."
It must be remembered that the Constitution states our rights (freedom of speech, etc.) come from God and cannot be altered, amended, or taken away. Under the United Nations Charter, our rights come from government and can be taken away based on our behavior, actions, and speech.
The infrastructure of world government is very far advanced. What is missing are the "teeth." You see, until the "teeth" are put in place, you and I will be able to live normally with a sense of freedom and protection of our freedoms. Once the teeth are in place, our lives will change because world government will then be in a position to overpower anyone who disagrees with the agenda. Our freedoms will change, the ability to buy and sell will change (instead of dollars, we may use electronic money), and the availability of food, water, energy, clothing, tools, equipment, etc., will also change as it will be controlled (sustainable development—see chapter four). We will probably go into a military police state to enforce not only all of the new rules and regulations, but to protect the resources of the planet.
Interestingly enough, the heinous idea of using the environment as a mechanism for reducing the world population as a substitute for war came from The Report from Iron Mountain, which hinted that perhaps the environmental pollution model could “eventually replace the possibility of mass destruction by nuclear weapons as the principal apparent threat to the survival of the species" (67). The report lamented that war was a mechanism of selective population control and that a substitute was needed.
They wrote that the intermediate step for total control of con­ception would be with a variant of the ubiquitous "pill," via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, that could be offset by a controlled "antidote" already under development (73)
In summary, the head of the Indian delegation, Mr. Dilip Lahiri, said this about why his country voted no to the ICC. Perhaps it really sums up the Frankenstein monster that has been birthed.
"We have always had in mind a Court that would deal with truly exceptional situations, where the State machinery had collapsed or where the Judicial system was either so flawed, inadequate, or nonexistent that justice had to be meted out through an International Court, because redress was not available within the country. If this is our common understanding, and we have always been told that it is, it must follow that the Statute should have been drafted so that It was clear that the ICC was being established to deal with truly exceptional situations. That, however, has not happened. Instead of legislating for the exception, the scope of the Statute has been broadened so much that it could be misused for political purposes or through misplaced zeal, to address situations and cases for which the ICC was not intended, and where, as a matter of principles, it should not intrude. What the zealots have achieved, therefore, is a contradiction in terms: a Court framed with Armageddon in mind is set in Utopia (emphasis added).
Knjigu možete preuzeti putem ove veze: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qKO6bX0t4MfbOWa3pXjA_v2_Y_eOwPBf

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